Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our Deeds

Indians have a very dominant lineage of considering their siblings as their own property and hence, at their disposal. Not that, they are wrong or inappropriate in any way with reference to this subject… Well, it’s what the parents feel. I suppose I have given a thought on this human behavior for like 10mins or so and felt to write something. Also, I feel to write cause I have not written since my girl ditched me and that’s a really long time.

Human beings (my experiment/observation pool is limited to Indians only and hence, this blog is in reference to Indians only) have a huge sense of pride and belonging, emotional bond to things where their efforts matter, both living and non-living, a rather strong emotional bond, independent of their ownership on that particular thing. Now the most surprising thing I observed is, the attachment towards material possessions are well guarded and looked after without causing harm but it is not always true pertaining to siblings. Young children are scolded, beaten, left scarred if they deviate from their guardian’s expectations. This live subject I came across:

Now, since I get medical bills reimbursed by my employer (I know MY EMPLOYER ROCKS!!!!), I get all my bathroom items billed under a medical prescription by my family doctor. And no, I don’t know and don’t care what the medicines he prescribes stand for unless they amount to a huge sum and the medico sneers with surprise after reading the list. You see, we three have a symbiotic relationship: Me, the Medico guy and the Doc. And so, I was getting my (ahem..) privileged (read costly) cough syrup from my medico and there was this angelic young guy around 10-12 years old.. old enough to understand the ongoing happenings, checking out all sorts things.. both living and non living. He was accompanied by his father. I suppose it can only be a father who, in all probability can act in a manner that followed:

So, I was asking the medico guy what all were the latest addons in the bathroom product-line in his kitty. But, since he was a bit busy, I did not mind looking around and checking out rainbow colored shampoos and body sprays (One thought: are these all even used.. illegally?). Then, this kid came near me and was a bit amused of my PSP and wanted to check it out. I felt something.. as if my past was alive in front of me. I kinda bonded with the fella instantly, we both exploring my gadget. Just then, his supposed father gave him 20 bucks to get any piece of candy within the range of provided expense. Lucky kid I thought.. I never used to get money when I was a kid.. I mean I still am but an age of 23 does not make me eligible to contest for that tag. So this young dude goes to the counter selling sweeties and he picks the imported jelly ones.. for 20 bucks.. even I wanted to buy one so, I got one.. of course billed on my cough syrup. These were tasty I tell ya.. I even offer them to the young kid who wanted to savor his sweeties later at his leisure. So, this kid shows proudly his selection to his dad which I suppose should had been very pleased for his kid’s selection but no, he on looking at these sweets, snatched them from the kid, slapped him in the shop in all public presence, chided him for his choice and got him a 5-star instead which obviously the kid did not want.

Now, I don’t see what went wrong.. was it the candy he got? Was it poisonous? These were not even sweet.. these were the tangy and chewy ones. I looked into the contents, lest I would get impotent or anything but, these were clean.. I even inquired to the guy at the counter if these had any problem? Same answer.. no problem.. What went wrong? After all the investigation, I was still clueless as to what went wrong to tip his dad off..

Then I thought the father’s PDA (Public Display Of Anger) was showing up.. that only was the logical conclusion I could get to.. Imagine the trauma and shame the kid must have had felt.. self-confidence just went outta the window. I felt sorry for the kid.. promising to buy the same candy the next time I get to see him.

Parents should have a pre-parental examination of some sort. Like those umpteen entrance examinations you have in India to determine whether the person is fit to be a parent or not. And not that one just inserts his dick into a vagina.

No wonder in earlier times people used to take the permission of their king to allow them to raise a child..

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