If there is one series of movies those have moved me beyond that feeling when I cleared my 8th semester of Mechanical Engineering in 4 years, are the Rocky series. Every one of those are inspiring beyond that speech of Pt Jawaharlal Nehru when India got freedom…
First caught the Rocky... the very first movie of the lot on Star Movies.. I dunno how many times I will have to thank that channel for this feeling I am having now. These guys are one of those angelic mediums where no matter how commercial it may seem, they get you good things.. suddenly Hallmark cards start to make some sense.
Rocky Balboa, the very latest of the lot which I was privileged to watch moved me beyond anything I can recall. It amazed me to no extent how can a guy 60+ years of age still have 6 packs!! Sylvester Stallone himself has written the dialogues, directed the movie and acted as the GREATEST ROCKY BALBOA. Hats off to that guy. If there is the single director I can admire beyond Frank Darabont is Sylvester Stallone.
Here are some of those unforgettable lines:
It ain't over 'til it's over.
Never give up. And never stop believing.
It's not about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
The last line of the lot is the one practiced by the frail ‘Dude’ of India inspiring millions around the blue planet. Since child hood I was raised up hearing ‘It isn’t how hard you get hit but how hard you hit back’ And now I realize how wrong that statement holds.
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